Learn More About Situation Awareness
The Situation Awareness Workshop focuses on improving situation awareness in the control room, thereby improving operator performance and reducing operator workload. Options, successes, and failures involved in addressing abnormal situations will be addressed. This is a true, front-loaded activity and can produce significant cost savings through awareness of best and worst practices, resulting in significant project savings as well.
UCDS, Inc. provides an overview of the key elements that impact control room operations and the humans in whom we have invested. This workshop incorporates the findings from the research of the Abnormal Situation Management Consortium® as it applies to operator situation awareness. The workshop will be tailored toward the specific decisions and challenges faced by the individual client, while approaching an improvement in operations, and will be an excellent starting point for discussions within the organization. Discussions regarding control room staffing and operator workload will also be facilitated.
Abnormal situation awareness encompasses a range of events outside the “normal” plant operating modes, e.g. trips, fires, explosions, toxic releases, or simply not reaching planned targets. Past incidents such as Piper Alpha, Milford Haven, Texas City and the 2003 northeast electrical blackout have all been attributed, at least in part, to a fundamental lack of good situational awareness. Early work of the Abnormal Situation Management Consortium® included a survey of the US petrochemical industry. Based on their research, the consortium estimates industry losses of around $20 billion per year from abnormal situations, approximately equal to the total annual profits of that industry. Furthermore, these studies indicate that companies achieving Best Practices in operations can improve productivity by 5-12 percent.
For additional information, or to book a workshop, please e-mail us at: sales@mycontrolroom.com
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