Gap Analysis

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Gap Analysis Service


All production facilities seek to continuously improve their operation particularly in the areas of safety, health, environmental, reliability and profitability. The staff at these facilities commit tremendous time, effort, and capital in the effort to improve policies, processes, and procedures to gain a competitive advantage.

But are you working on the right things? What areas are best to concentrate on? Where are your facility's weaknesses? Where is it strong? What are the best in class performers doing? How can you get there?

The Gap Analysis process allows management a unique opportunity to gauge site performance versus industry best practices. It provides invaluable feedback to aid in focusing continuous improvement effort in areas where the greatest impact can be made.

Gap Analysis can deliver the following results:

  • Employees understand what abnormal situations are, how often they arise, and why.
  • Processes effectively minimize the impact of abnormal situations.
  • Management’s communication of goals, processes, and status is effective and comprehensive.
  • Employees’ knowledge and skills are continuously and appropriately enhanced.
  • Employees work in a supportive culture, and in an appropriate and safe environment.
  • Management finds opportunities to innovate and apply technologies to continuously improve.
  • The change that results from continuous improvement is well managed.

Gap Analysis Service Description

UCDS offers a full line of Gap Analysis services to evaluate your current plant condition, make realistic and achievable recommendations for improvement, and aid in implementation of those recommendations. An integral part of this line is a set of Gap Analysis services that provides detailed comparisons of client systems to best practices and identifies improvement opportunities. Our Gap Analysis services are an excellent starting point for any site management system study. We produce front-loaded activities that can result in significant cost savings through the awareness of best and worst practices. We also do training gap analysis, which is our Training Needs Assessment.

We currently offer the following Gap Analysis services:

  • Control Room
  • Alarm Management
  • Management Systems
  • Human Computer Interface
  • Pipeline CRM

We are also pleased to provide customized services based on any specific client requirements.

The Process

UCDS begins the Gap Analysis process by interviewing operators at their duty stations during morning and evening shifts. This puts operators more at ease, and minimizes scheduling issues and overtime costs. We also perform interviews with multiple representatives of the departments involved in the management, implementation, use, and maintenance of the control room. Therefore, the client should plan on a significant number of personnel being interviewed during the visit, and budget the internal costs appropriately.

After the site visit, UCDS requires a short period to analyze the data and generate a report that will contain a full analysis of the completeness of the current site policies, how those policies are implemented on site, and how those policies compare to best practices. We also provide recommendations on improvement opportunities.

If desired, UCDS can return to the site to present findings to management.

For additional information or to book a Gap Analysis, please e-mail us at:

Schedule Consultation

Simply fill out the form and we will be in contact with you shortly to schedule a phone or web conference to answer questions and discuss how we can help your organization.